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The rainy season does not preclude you to diet, This way

The rainy season does not preclude you to diet, This way

The rainy season does not preclude you to diet, This way
Diet is one of the human effort to live healthier. However, most make diet as a way to get the ideal body weight. In fact, diet has now also become part of the lifestyle of the people, especially in big cities in Indonesia.

Diet in a country that has a rainy season or at low temperatures is rather difficult. Where the desire to eat so much increase to keep warm. It certainly would make diets fail if obeyed. Therefore, you need to know some dietary rules during the rainy season can minimize clutter your diet. Anything? Check the following four points.

Eat more fish oil. Reported dariMirror.co.uk, a recent survey conducted by the Public Health England revealed that the consumption of fish oil are well below the recommended each week. 23 percent of adults aged 19-64, and 22 percent of children between the ages of 11-18 have low vitamin D. The case rose to 40 percent for both in the rainy season. So, do not want it if your diet fails because of a lack of vitamin D?

Reduce sugar. It's important to note that anyone, especially dieters should limit their intake of sweet foods. Remember, foods such as yogurt, whole grain cereals for breakfast, fruit and fruit juices are richer in nutrients than any other food. Perbanyaklah fruits and vegetables every day.

Prepare food supplies can boost immunity. The rainy season often scapegoats when the physical condition declined. Changes in air temperature is known to cause it. Therefore, stop by eating foods that can boost your immune when the rainy season arrives. Such as cereals contain iron, zinc, vitamin B and vitamin D. It would not hurt to stock food that is rich in vitamin C.

Should take supplements, based on exact origin. Taking supplements is the right choice and beneficial in maintaining body condition during the diet in the rainy season. However, lest supplements that you drink so mine for health. Therefore, the information content of the supplement that is right for your body. Ask for recommendations from your doctor or pharmacist.


Unknown January 2, 2016 at 6:47 AM

iya nih, musim hujan memng lebih rentan penyakit, jadi butuh lebih banyak asupan suplemen dan multivitamin B)

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