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How to extend Hair Naturally And Fast

How to extend Hair Naturally And Fast

How to lengthen your hair - Has a long and beautiful hair is something that is mandatory for every woman, hair is a problem on most issues can make the mood quickly turned into a woman.

Suddenly happy to be fussy when exposed to or involved with problems in his hair , especially if they are incorrectly used or not pleasing hair style hair cut in accordance with his wishes because it may be too short to cut.

How to extend Hair Naturally And Fast 

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How to extend Hair Naturally And Fast

On this occasion I will give you tips or how to extend your hair naturally that you can use with ease.

• Aloe vera

Besides can make your hair becomes darker , the contents contained in aloe vera can lengthen your hair is relatively fast and safe for your hair because it uses natural ingredients .

To use aloe vera, is easy enough meat you simply apply aloe vera to the skin and your hair thoroughly and evenly, diaman for 15 minutes, then wash using shampoo.

• Green tea

Anti oktisidan contained in green tea is very good for the circulation of the blood circulation to your hair, so that it can lengthen your hair quickly. How to use it you simply boil / brew green tea, then smeared all over your hair, then let stand for 20 minutes.

In order not felt in waiting, you can also drink green tea. Because in addition to good for hair, green tea is also good for your body healthy.

• The skin of apples

Maybe you are a little surprised to hear "Skin Apples" can lengthen your hair quickly, the fact that the content contained in the skin of apples is great to nourish your hair and can make your hair look thicker and healthier.

To use apples as a way to lengthen your hair, you simply smoothing the skin of apples, you can use a collision or blander, then smeared the skin of the apple that has been refined throughout bagia your hair.

• Coconut water

How to extend further hair naturally is to use coconut water. How to use it is smeared coconut water to all parts of your hair and then you let stand overnight, and the next morning you rinse using your normal shampoo.

Olive oil

Nice addition to accelerate the growth of hair, olive oil can also remove dull and make your hair softer. How to use it you simply rubbed olive oil throughout your hair, let stand for 1 hour and then rinse.

Similarly, how to extend Hair Naturally And Quickly I gave, may be useful for those who have problems in your hair.


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