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Want to be healthy ? Change your energy drinks with six of these foods

Want to be healthy ? Change your energy drinks with six of these foods

No doubt, consume energy drinks will give you a quick energy boost and improve your physical strength. However, this energy menuman not so healthy for your health because they are loaded with caffeine, sugar, and other chemicals.

If you feel you need extra energy boost, there are some foods that you can choose as they also have benefits similar to energy drinks. Moreover, these foods are also derived from nature that is safe for your health. These foods can increase your energy at the same time relieve fatigue.

These foods generally contain antioxidants known as quercetin. This is a type of antioxidant that helps the formation of new mitochondria in the cells of the body. Mitochondria referred to as the power source of cells. This organelle helps the muscles to take the maximum amount of oxygen during physical activity.

Change your energy drinks with six of these foods

Jika kamu merasa membutuhkan dorongan energi ekstra, ada beberapa jenis makanan yang bisa kamu pilih karena mereka juga memiliki manfaat yang hampir serupa dengan minuman berenergi. Terlebih lagi, jenis makanan ini juga berasal dari alam yang aman untuk kesehatan kamu. Makanan-makanan ini mampu meningkatkan energi kamu sekaligus meringankan kelelahan.  Makanan-makanan ini secara umum mengandung antioksidan yang dikenal sebagai quercetin. Ini adalah jenis antioksidan yang membantu pembentukan mitokondria baru dalam sel-sel tubuh. Mitokondria disebut sebagai sumber kekuatan sel. Organel ini membantu otot untuk mengambil jumlah oksigen secara maksimum saat melakukan aktivitas fisik.
Want to be healthy  Change your energy drinks with six of these foods

Curious what are these foods? Launch of boldsky.com, following a row of food which can replace the function of energy drinks.
  • Onion

Shallots are a total of 100 grams contains energy that is able to increase quercetin around 20mg . Shallots are able to fill your body with energy so that the effect on the increase in stamina . Not only that , shallots can relieve inflammation of the body , prevent allergies and respiratory problems .
  • Green tea

Each 100gr brewed green tea contains about 1,69mg quercetin . Not only helps you lose weight , green tea is also able to increase your energy . Green tea contains higher levels of quercetin and low caffeine consumption so it is suitable for you before you exercise.
  • Apples

A medium size apple peel contains about 10mg of quercetin . Apples may be the best meal when you feel tired or your energy is at a critical point . You also bsia consume in the form of juice or smoothies .
  • Tomato

Tomatoes are a number of 100gr contains about 58mg of quercetin. The content of vitamin B6 and iron also make it capable of helping the body to supply more oxygen to the muscles. Combine tomatoes with red onion is a smart idea to get a more powerful energy boost.
  • Berries

100g blueberries contains about 7,67mg number, and blackberry with the same number of 3,58mg containing quercetin. Both of these pieces serve to prevent muscle soreness after exercise. Not only that, the fruit is also able to increase physical strength and stamina, while reducing body inflammation.
  • Cherries

Sweet cherries are the biggest source of antioxidants. Cherries number of 100gr contains about 2,29mg quercetin. The bright red fruit serves to relieve sore muscles and improve physical performance of the body.

Well, if you want to maintain your health, should you choose to consume these foods to boost your energy while doing physical activities such as sports height or weight.


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