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How to Appear Natural Beauty Without Make Up

How to Appear Natural Beauty Without Make Up

To Appear Beautiful Natural sesusah not like you imagine. many ways to look beautiful public or for someone you care.

Actually, you could just use makeup to menujang your beauty, of the portion that is not excessive and the use of materials that make up our skin safe there.

Because, if we use or wear makeup that does not fit with our skin type, can be irritating to the skin. not only an irritation, even there is also to cause skin cancer.

Well, there is a chance this time, I will explain how to look beautiful without makeup. to reduce the risks that do not want to experience in the future.

How to Appear Natural Beauty Without Make Up

How to Appear Natural Beauty Without Make Up
Usahan that you consume 1.5 liters / 8 cup in one day. this can make the circulation to be smooth, so that our skin can look more clean pale glow alias. In addition to being bright llebih, by consuming water also can keep the moisture in our skin.
Diligent Cleaning Face

Because the density of the activities we do everyday certainly a lot of dust or Kotan attached to the skin, especially facial skin. If we are lazy to treat / clean up our face, it can cause spots on our face. Make sure you wash your face at bedtime astray by using a cleanser that suits your skin type.
Try to time your sleep quality and in portions that suit the needs of the body. The ideal sleep time is 7-8 hours. the purpose of sleep is enough, can restore staminya on your body. Remember, beautiful is not visible on the face, but your body also has the right to look beautiful.
Compressed your face using ice cubes, the aim is to be able to remove bags under the eyes, which can interfere with your facial beauty. use this procedure when you wake up from sleep / in the morning.
Lips can also affect the beauty on your face, a lot of women out there who have a lip that interesting, it disebebkan because they always take care of their lips, I suggest to you to always use a lip balm, because if your lips look dry and cracked can cause your facial beauty is reduced

If it had been me just give way Appearing Natural Beauty Without Make Up only facial and body treatments, now I will give you a way to look beautiful in terms of "Style" you.
Hair is the crown of every woman, so treat your hair properly, use hair styles varying means you do not have to follow the trend of booming but use a hairstyle that suits your face character.
Use additional accessories that can support your beauty, you can just add it when you perform daily activities or travel, of course, not to berebihan yes if you use accessories.
The most important factor of the beauty of our women are "Clothes". so smart pick clothes that suit your body posture and shape, do not need to buy expensive clothes to get good clothes, the most important thing is that you can mix and match shirts and pants that you have today.

So much of the discussion this time, hopefully How to Appear Beautiful Without Make Up Natural useful and can make you become more canti and can be perfect when you are doing daily activities or when meeting with your lover.


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